Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Someone else's reports have generated a cult following, albeit for a different reason. Timmah! (Think of South Park's Timmy, the retarded wheelchair kid. This one doesn't need a wheelchair, though) Timmah's grammar leaves much to be desired...some portions have been edited to incriminate the innocent.

servers up and down all day (literally up and down?)

I had severaql E3's that need reprogrqamed … now some are still one board on a panel but it still holding the rest up (That's amazing!)

Worked most of the day on xxxx, sent servral of the above faiolures to srt for micro or asic changes..these are

E3's that need reflash are down to 4 panels… there refusing to be reprogramed helping me try and reflash them

Chrysler come down my line today (drunk driver, i suppose?)

...are having a high rate of fall out at ict… gettting with ... when he can work himself free (some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps)

I received a loadbox from ... today .. I was tring to mod it to work but I was kinda bus keeping lines clean

reflashing was succsesful but we really need another computer to keep up with fails and reprograming (if you flash someone, then flash them again, is that "reflashing?)

just a note I have 6 panels of ... that will not hold the reflash or will nto start the reflash

second note I have 2 panels of of ... built in april waiting on the reflash box to be fixed (name) has already (the man's a genius!)

... that failed in Ict I think have bad NVm is coming up all zero's (and that's not all...)

ok the line was down since 11:30 I been working on the new load box
ok the line was down since 11:30 the new load box is done (good job Timmah!)

I will resume working on the ... problems tommorw I hope. (me too)

I had 2 ar's turned in for coils one for a blown coil and the other for coil not in barrel far enough (blown?)

there was bout 3 panels of ... that was scraped cuz of warping issues (Warp speed, Mr. Sulu!)

ok other then having plenty to work on it was an uneventfull day (hmmm) leg lifted (my dog does that...)

(forgot caps lock was on?)

...change the no name test fail to pbfunctional so I will also be trying to run the ... through ict if I get the time (how much has he had to drink?)

I had one ...That failed functional with active faults… cleared faults once and they returned… cleared again and the faults dissappeared (Definition of STUPID: Repeating same action but expecting different results)

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