Monday, March 13, 2006

Television Commercials...

You know, there's some pretty good TV commercials on the air these days, some that make you think, some that make you laugh, and some that make you want to jump up out of your easy chair and go buy their product.

Then there are those "other" adverts. The one's that make you say "WTF??"

Case in point:
Companies that make an expensive commercial so you feel good about them and their product. Just tonight I saw a commercial from Boeing, the airplane folks. Seriously, how many people saw that tonight and said, "Damn. I gotta get me a Boeing. It's way cooler than an Airbus." Or at the ticket counter: "The plane is a Boeing, isn't it?"

Another one that gets me wondering how stockholders put up with stupid corporate expenditures is The American Plastics Council. That commercial puts it all into perspective; I just learned how important plastic is in my life. And just when I was thinking about cutting back on my personal plastic consumption... Ooh, waitaminute! Plastic is made from--you guessed it: OIL! That's why it costs so much for gas, in my plastic bodied auto(an un-named GM car made in Tennessee).

Don't forget BASF. You know, "We don't make a lot of the products you buy...We make a lot of the products you buy BETTER!"

Ok, so how is this information valuable to me, the consumer? Shhh, here comes another commercial...

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