Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cartoons aren't funny in Danish papers...

Angry rioters in Pakistan torch a KFC, Pizza Hut, and many locally owned shops, while shouting "Death To America"...

All (supposedly) over some cartoons in a Danish Newspaper.

I don't get it. I don't think they are angry. Not at all. I think they just like to go crazy and burn shit.

Really, now. Denmark is an awful long way from downtown Islamabad. Why burn your neighbors' car and your distant cousins' produce shop because of something from Denmark? Do they even know where Denmark is? Probably not, because these rioters must believe that Dallas is somewhere near Denmark. Maybe I'm the ignorant one because I didn't know that Pizza Hut and KFC were headquartered in Copenhagen...

And WTF about this "Death to America" business. Granted we're not the most popular country in the world, but our political cartoons usually have Bush and Cheney acting like Beavis and Butthead, not slapping religions in the face.

Now about these cartoons. I don't know who the artist is, and I don't care. He's not an American that I know of, I can only assume he's a Dane. I saw all of the cartoons, and most of them were not funny or maybe I just didn't get the joke. OK, I admit I got a short laugh out of two of them. Still, I don't think they were appropriate for print. On the other hand, can't anyone take a joke??

Would it be more fair if the someone were to draw some cartoons of other religous figures and dieties? You know, equal opportunity caricatures.

Maybe a drawing of Jesus walking on water looking for his golf ball. Oops, already been done. "Christians riot over depictions that Jesus would even hit his ball into the hazard..."

How about this one: Draw the Pope as a Nazi. Damn, it. Somebody did that one, too. He was a Hitler Youth, you know.

Jews have long been the joke of political cartoons. I don't hear them crying "Death To America".

Budda goes on a diet in another cartoon. Hey, I haven't seen that one yet! I could be on to something...

Now everyone is boycotting Denmark's products. C'mon, be mature. An artist and a newspaper are the only guilty parties. I'm not going to boycott Denmark. As a matter of fact, I had a danish this morning for breakfast...


jipzeecab said...

What no one ever addresses is that when your religion didn't evolve since the 11th century you are always going to be feeling sorry for yourself and looking for an excuse to get upset easily..

Anonymous said...

Too right, Frank.