Thursday, September 14, 2006

Evil of Nancy Grace

The twisted mind of Nancy Grace who dis-graces CNN Headline News has gone overboard...again.
In this instance Nancy has relentlessly grilled a grieving mother whose child was kidnapped, driving the emotionally distraught mom to take her own life.
NANCY GRACE IS DESPICABLE!!!!!!! She has no sense of humanity!
Mother of Missing Boy Commits Suicide - AOL News

Draw your own conclusions, but Nancy Grace should be held accountable for her thoughtless actions in her attempt to boost ratings.

Nancy: The Weekly World News may have an opening for you! It's more your style.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Frank, Nancy Grace is in fact dispicable. Prehaps a civil suit brought against her resulting in Nancy Grace herself paying milions of dollars in damages to the next of kin of her victim Melinda Duckett would take her down a notch or two. Nancy Grace is fond of ranting about peoples accountability and civil damages on her show so it would be poetic justice. She is often far from the mark. One instance was John Mason. Perhabs you remember the man Nancy Grace practically tried and convicted and stopped just short of public hanging. No? He was the fiance Jennifer Wilbanks' (the runnaway bride). Nancy Grace is out of control. Nancy Grace is often rude and unreasonable. Nance Grace should retire from the public eye. Go away Nancy Dis-Grace!

Frank said...

Nancy Grace is now trying to convince everyone that Melinda Duckett was planning a suicide before the child came up missing.
Nancy Grace will do anything to save her own ass at the expense of a dead woman.
CNN obviously has no shame either because they also just want those ratings.
Melinda Duckett, I hope your soul is at peace...