Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Conversation with a Christian about marriage equality

I posted a thing on Facebook recently about marriage equality. I got this private message a day later.

Truth is a power and reality in life; it is not a principle of the intellect or mere speculation. The reality of good is a moral element of truth. I am a Christian and I do not want to spark a conflict, however I do want to point out that if same sex relations are truth and everyone in the world has this point of view you have a end pf man kind. think about it....

There are always going to be homosexuals, just as there always have been for thousands of years. I just believe in equality for all. I am not a homosexual, and never have/will be. I believe that most are born that way, or in some case choose that path. It is not the end of mankind. Worldwide homosexuals of both genders equal ~2% of the worlds population. I would imagine that percentage has remained fairly constant. Your bloodlines are in no danger.

The Abrahamic religions are well known for their intolerance and even hatred for anyone that does not conform to their point of view. That is such a conflict of Christian teachings: 

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death" Leviticus 20:13
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

With all that being said, I am an Atheist. I do not require a religion to know what is right and wrong or have morals. Not treating another human as an equal is immoral, just as human slavery was immoral, yet your Bible encouraged it.

"Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?" Galatians 4:16

Homosexual acts are an abomination to God. and if you have no god that is the reason you believe its ok however please think about your children and your grandchildren if your believes pass on to them you could never pass on your linage.

Bible says love your neighbor as yourself i do not hate homosexual's i just believe it is unnatural and can't ever be the truth. if it was truth and all were forced to be that way it would literally end man kind. therefor it can not be the truth.
Paul does not single out the homosexual as a special offender. He includes fornicators, idolators, adulterers, thieves, covetous persons, drunkards, revilers and extortioners. And then he adds the comment that some of the Christians at Corinth had been delivered from these very practices:

You are thinking in absolutes. There are no absolutes in life. Homosexuals are not trying to convert you, forcefully or otherwise. Let them live their lives their way as you live yours, your way. And who is to say what is natural and what is not? Is love not natural?

Christian :

However, to call a union of two persons of the same sex a "marriage" is a misnomer. In the Bible, marriage is a divinely ordered institution designed to form a permanent union between one man and one woman for one purpose (among others) of procreating or propagating the human race. That was God's order in the first of such unions (Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; Matthew 19:5). If, in His original creation of humans, God had created two persons of the same sex, there would not be a human race in existence today.A clergyman might bless a homosexual marriage but God won't..

I'm not mad at anyone, i care for you and your family, and the future generations. I just believed you were believing a lie and thought i might plant a seed of truth, study marriage, the root of the word study truth deeply without truth you have only opinions. You have created your own truth biased on your beliefs. i have mine you have yours please don't believe the lie and for goodness sake don't pass it on to your children or anyone else's children.  The root of the word rooted is radical become a radical in the truth.

Up to this point I have respected your personal religious views. You are trying to invoke Canon Law into a civil society. Yet ironically your Christian peers condemn Sharia Law.

You obviously lack the ability to not only think for yourself,  but beyond yourself. Your mind is closed to the evolving world around you.

I cannot believe in a religion that is based on myths, fables, and superstitions, as all of the thousands of religions before us.

This conversation is over. Join the other sheep and go talk to your imaginary friend in the sky.