Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A question of faith...

As self-proclaimed freethinker, humanist and atheist, I'm often asked why I don't have faith. I do, in fact have faith.

  • I have faith in the skill and knowledge of my doctors when I require medical care. 
  • I have faith in the love of my family. 
  • I have faith religious zealots will start wars in the name of faith. 
  • I have faith that I will be persecuted because I do not believe in supernatural beings. 
  • I have faith that most of my readers will be offended because I have written this. 
  • I have faith that tomorrow is indeed another day. 
  • I have faith that there can be good in this world without a god. 
  • I have faith that some will pray for me to find a god. 
  • I have faith that missionaries will come to my door, and I polite and courteous.
  • I have faith that I will never argue, fight, or kill over which god is the the better god.
  • I have faith that the rains will fall and the sun will shine.
  • I have faith that people will need comfort, and many will find comfort in religion.
  • I have faith that tomorrow a person will look in the mirror and be ashamed of their past.
  • I have faith that tomorrow a person will look in the mirror and commit to being a better person without expecting a reward. 
  • I have faith that I am not the only one with these thoughts.