Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Da Vinci Code uproar...

The Mohammed/ Da Vinci Code...
Seems like everyone who said "Muslims can't take a joke" when the cartoons depicting Mohammed appeared in Danish Newspapers are now up in arms over Dan Brown's book turned film "The Da Vinci Code".

Many Christian leaders want their flocks to boycott the movie The Da Vinci Code. They worry the movie contains highly questionable themes about the Christian faith. They say The Da Vinci Code contends that Jesus isn't God and that Mary Magdalene is the face in the Last Supper painting by Leonardo Da Vinci.

A theology professor said, "The thing that upsets people is that Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code Author) claims Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married."

Whoa. Hang on. Jesus isn't God? I'm not an expert, or even a religious person; but isn't the Christian faith based on Jesus being the "SON" of God? Hmm. And who but Leonardo himself can confirm or deny whom the female figure is in the painting of "The Last Supper"? According to the Bible, Jesus was about 33 years old when he was crucified. It's ridiculous and just plain ignorant to believe that a 33-year-old man went his whole life WITHOUT having some sort of female companionship.

Besides, it's only a movie. Can't anyone take a damn joke??